Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day: DIY Wrapping Paper

Happy Earth Day! Today is a day reserved for appreciating what Mother Earth has given us. Beauty is all around and the resources nature has provided has greatly influenced our daily lives. Recycling is a practical process that greatly helps reduce waste and turns it into something more useful. The average person will use around seven trees in resources in their lifetimes. Imagine how many trees we could save if we recycled more. It's no surprise paper comes from trees. One way to recycle paper is by reusing it. If you're like me, you'll have a pile of magazines collecting dust. So today we are going to do a DIY packaging utilizing recycled magazines.

Materials Needed:
Unwanted Magazines
Double-sided Tape 
Twine (different colors)

Lace Ribbon

Browse through the magazines and selects pages you are drawn to. Rip them out of the magazine and tear off the parts you don't need. Make sure to cut out enough to cover your package. These will be your scraps in making the wrapping paper.

Rearrange the images and tape them together using the double-sided tape.

Measure the box and the wrapping paper. Use scissors(or x-acto knife) to cut wrapping paper to size. Then wrap the box.

Wrap the twine around the box. Tie a knot in desired area on front of the package. Take your lace ribbon and wrap it around the package on top of the twine.

And that's it. It's as simple as that! You're helping the environment and saving money at the same time. Try making some today and do your part in preserving our Earth for a better tomorrow. You'll be thankful you did twenty years from now. The Earth will be cleaner and more refreshing. Making these creative wrapping papers will also give you a chance to be person-specific. Everyone has different taste. Creating a unique wrapping paper geared toward a person has never been so accessible. Combine this with different accessories for optimal packages. Now there's no excuse for having two of the same gift wrapping ideas!

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