Monday, June 18, 2012

Clever Clocks

I've always been fond of watches, clocks, and time. I have quite a watch collection and have to hide some because it's a little embarrassing. There's something about clocks that interest me. It might be the idea of how timeless time really is and how we measure time. It might be how I can literally watch time pass me by and feel as if time hasn't really passed. It's like time stops and I'm hypnotized by the monotonous motion of each second, minute, and hour. Clocks are more than just an object that portrays time. It shouldn't be looked over. It, like everything in your life, should show your personality. I like to think I'm artistic, whimsical and a little sarcastic. Okay okay, maybe a lot sarcastic, and the things that attract my eye often reflect these traits. As you grow older, your tastes grow along with it. Customizable clocks are a unique way to allow growth in your personality. They allow you to change up your daily style and not get bored with time.

Clip Clock
Clip Clock
photo via Rig Out

I like the concept of "killing two birds with one stone." This clip clock by Rig Out allows you to do just that. It lets you be creative while keeping time. The clips allow you to personalize the clock any way you want, from type to pictures. You can customize this clock to match how you feel at certain times. Did you get that pun? I had to do it!

Writing Board Clocks
A clock a day keeps . . . .
photo via Etsy

Chalk Clock, Chalk Clock, Chalk Clock
photo via Etsy

Talk about customization. These dry erase and chalk clocks from WoodstockClocks are fun and whimsical. They allow you to be the designer and design your own clock. The first thing one looks at when they wake up is their clocks. Write all your important notes, lists, or schedule on one of these and you'll never forget what you need to do throughout the rest of the day.

photo via perpetual kid

Time is priceless. Without it we would all be trapped in a time warp that's never ending. There would be only light and darkness. There would be no way to track your day or keep your schedule. We would all be unorganized, confused, and everything would be complicated. There would be no way to know when you need to wake up or go to bed, meet a friend or go to work. Life would be difficult. Time is a measurement device. It keeps track of your daily life and keeps you organized thus making you more productive. Time is no laughing matter.  Don't let time pass you by. Grab these clever clocks to customize and improve your life!

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