Friday, June 1, 2012

Stylish Kid's Accessories

Happy Friday! Everyone ready for the weekend? My niece's birthday is this weekend and I instantly thought of her when I saw these cute hats and accessories. She's a crazy kid full of joy and happiness, most of the times that is. These adorable accessories by SweetPeaToad gives kids a chance to be kids and look stylish while doing so. There are so many ridiculously charming and characteristic accessories for kids nowadays that I've become a little jealous. I mean, yeah I can purchase these for myself but I won't get the same reaction a 5 year old would get. I'd just get creepy stares and some giggling behind my back...not cool. Keep these for the kiddies and you'll have no problems.

Little lion
photo via sweetpeatoadtots

If this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen I don't know what planet you're living on. This Little Lion hat is the real deal. The hat is covered entirely with "fur" creating a full-on effect of the lion's image. This isn't for cowards. You need to have courage to rock this hat.

Stripe Series
photo via sweetpeatoadtots

Cat In The Hat anyone? This adorable getup is perfect for any light-hearted occasion that you want to get a laugh out of. Whoever dares to show up in this better be ready for all the attention. This camera magnet will definitely get people talking.

For girls
photo via sweetpeatoadtots

This "Gorgeous set" lives up to its name. This screams classic beauty. The neutral black and white is easy to match with any outfit. Dress this up or down for a timeless look.

photo via sweetpeatoadtots

photo via sweetpeatoadtots

These two hats are more traditional than the other hats, but are still unique in their own ways. I love kids dressed in animal attire so the above lamb hat is visually appealing to me and full of character. The bottom red hat is versatile in the way that the flower detaches. This gives any little one the freedom to choose how they wear their hat.

Brooch Necklace
photo via sweetpeatoadtots

This brooch necklace is not your everyday go-to necklace. But it is a statement piece. It's a great accessory to make kids more joyous and liven up photos. Being a kid is about having fun and enjoying life. Every parent loves to document their kids every move. These accessories gives your photos a feeling of whimsy that nothing else can. They are great for any kind of photo shoot to brighten up the mood. Accessorizing your kids in wacky adorable stuff is not a crime. These let them explore their sense of style and become a more well-rounded fun loving individual. Let them start early because by the time they're my age, they're only going to get awkward dirty looks. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?

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