Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hello Summer!

It's officially Summer! So happy first day of Summer everyone! I'm excited about the hotter weather and all the Summer activities to come. Summer is about having fun and soaking up the sun, hanging outside and tanning. To combat the heat, one needs to stay hydrated. What better way than to play than in a pool?! You don't even need an underground or expensive pool to have fun. The best part is that backyard pools have become so accessible and affordable that anyone could have one. I can't swim so my favorite thing for the pool is inflatable pool floats. These literally save my life. I'm just kidding, but in all seriousness, they are pretty reliable. They're a good way to just lounge and relax. Even though you're in your own backyard, your floaty shouldn't be plain and boring. There are so many unique and adorable pool floats available nowadays. They, like everything else in your life, should reflect your personality.

Food Float
photo via Bemlegaus

Pool Float That Looks Like A Pretzel
photo via Bemlegaus

Gigantic Donut Pool Float
photo via FredFlare

Donut Pool Float
photo via Kaboodle

There are so many so called "Foodies" that would die for these salty and sweet floaties. They are incredibly adorable and look just like the real deal. Who wouldn't love to relax on a nice toasty pretzel or cool donut? Everything is more fun with more people. The more the merrier. The pretzel is large enough to seat 3 so bring on the sun and bring on the fun!

 Teacup Float
photo via Squidoo

Pool floats have became so creative and innovative. No more boring circle rings when there are spinning teacups. That's right, spinning teacups. Everyone loves those spinning teacups from Disneyland and this is an awesome alternative to that. Sit back, relax and let others do the work while you sit and spin. You'll surely be the center of attention in this thing.

Carousel Float
photo via ToySplash

Like the spinning teacup, this carousel is manually operated. But that's half the fun right? This classic symbol of fun comes with a canopy to block the beaming sun which means more hours of entertainment. This float will definitely will one all will enjoy.

Pet Floats
photo via Frontgate

Who said only humans should have all the fun and relaxation? Many pet owners grow a special bond with their pets, some even calling them their kids, that they would do and give anything to them. That seems insane, but how can we tell someone who or what to love. These pool floats for pets are insanely adorable. Imagine walking into someones backyard and seeing a furry critter just laying there relaxing. I can't think of anything more precious. So take some time and spend part of your Summer relaxing. Everyone could use a break from their hectic lives. Try some of these whimsical pool floats to brighten up your Summer!

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