Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Molecular Gastronomy Made Easy

Molecular gastronomy. What is it and why are we talking about this? Trust me with this one, this term is used more often in these modern times than ever. It involves two of my favorite topics besides design, food and science. Molecular gastronomy put simple is experimenting with food within the realms of science. Science tries to explain the physical and chemical transformations of foods when cooked. This includes melting, freezing, boiling, steaming and so on. It's pretty much a creative way to rethinking the food you're already used to. Mainly the way it looks as in it's form you're used to. You can turn any food into something entirely different. This brings a new way of looking at the foods we grew up with and have come to known. Food doesn't always have to be something you overlook. It should be fun. You should be allowed to experiment with your food and create something only you could dream up and devour.

photo via PSSSST!

This process of rethinking and recreating known foods sounds pretty complicated. How would one go about creating tomato gels or shrimp flavored foam? I wouldn't know where to start. But with Molecule-R's Cuisine R-Evolution molecular gastronomy kit you'll have all the tools you'll need to produce something extraordinary. This kit will show you the most popular molecular gastronomy techniques used today.

photo via PSSSST!

This kit was invented so you could become a mad scientist. It allows you to be in control of what you eat and the form you intake these foods. The best part is that it allows you to play with your food. Who doesn't love that? At times food can become boring and forced. This process brings fun and excitement back into food and creates a whole new dimension of love for it. You can buy this fun, yet educational kit directly from Molecule-R's site or from UncommonGoods.

Check out the below video for some of the techniques found in the kit. The next time you host a party, think about this kit and all the wacky creations you can formulate. You'll look like a professionally trained food genius. And only you will know the secret behind all your wild creations!

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